10 tips to improve your mental health part -2 

There is no health without mental health

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Writing about upsetting experiences can reduce symptoms of depression


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Time with animals lowers the stress hormone - cortisol, and boosts oxytocin - which stimulates feelings of happiness


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Often times people only explore attractions on trips, but you may be surprised what cool things are in your own backyard


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Try prepping your lunches or picking out your clothes for the work week


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Work some omega-3 fatty acids into your diet–they are linked to decreased rates of depression and schizophrenia among their many benefits.


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Even if it's just forgiving that person who cut you off during your commute. People who forgive have better mental health and report being more satisfied with their lives


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What appear to be calamities are often the sources of fortune." - Disraeli.


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It may not be the easiest thing to do, but smiling can help to lower your heart rate and calm you down


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Send a thank you note - not for a material item, but to let someone know why you appreciate them


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Do something with friends and family - have a cookout, go to a park, or play a game


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Do your best to enjoy 15 minutes of sunshine, and apply sunscreen


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10 tips to improve mental health