Keep track of gratefulness and accomplishment
with a diary.
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Accomplish something you're suitable at to create self-confidence, then tackle a more challenging task.
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"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Try a new task with a different approach, cook with new recipes, write a short story, paint, or try a Pinterest project.
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Show love to someone in your life. Close, quality relationshipsare essential for a happy, healthy life.
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Increase brainpower by feasting on a couple of dark chocolate every rare day.
image source: google
Occasionally, we don't need to count on new activities to bring better enjoyment.
image source: google
Sensing nervous? Take a trip down memory lane and do some coloring for about 20 minutes to clear your mind.
image source: unsplash
Studies indicate that yawning helps cool the brain and enhances attention and mental efficiency.
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Relax in a warm bath once a week. Try adding Epsom salts to relieve aches and pains and assist boost magnesium levels, which can be depleted by stress.
image source: google
Dance around while you do your housework. Dancing reduces cortisol levels and increases endorphins (the body's "feel-good" chemicals).
image source: google
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Chris Hemsworth's Recent interview on his risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease